Media & Awards

Check out Getaboutable in the media and awards won throughout the years.

Yasmine's interview at the Female Founder Festival

June 2024

Yasmine Gray was a speaker at The Female Founder Festival in March 2024 and shared her experience founding and directing GetAboutAble.

The festival organisers put together a great video based on Yasmine’s interview and GetAboutAble’s Canberra More Than Inclusive, More Than Accessible campaign.

–> Watch – Yasmine’s interview at the Female Founder Festival

Yasmine shares her secrets for an accessible trip to Canberra

February 2024

VisitCanberra included Yasmine’s interview in the Canberra Visitor Guide 2024, promoting Australia’s capital as an accessible destination. 

“I’m not one to rush. My ideal weekend gives me either nature or the arts but because of the way Canberra is laid out, I can do both at a leisurely pace in one day.” 

–> Read the Visitor Guide – Yasmine’s local secrets on Canberra

–> Discover GetAboutAble’s campaign – Canberra… More Than Inclusive, More Than Accessible

Yasmine's profile featured by Austrade

October 2023

Austrade interviewed Yasmine Gray and published the resulting article on LinkedIn.

What is your role and what do you do?  GetAboutAble is a company dedicated to supporting the visitor economy with access and inclusion, enabling the 1 in 5 people with disability to participate in travel and leisure activities. 

–> Read the full interview – Yasmine’s profile by Austrade on LinkedIn

GetAboutAble in Travel Massive's What's Hot In Travel 2023

September 2023

Travel Massive “What’s Hot In Travel” Report unearthed 12 trends that are transforming travel. Trend #1 is The year of Accessible Travel!

GetAboutAble was selected along with other travel startups, apps, organizations and projects created by the Travel Massive community that showcase what’s possible when we think differently.

–> Discover the full selection – What’s Hot In Travel 2023 Report

GetAboutAble featured on Travel Massive

Yasmine Gray's interview with Adelaine Ng - Upon Arrival Podcast

July 2023

“Look at us as one in five travellers. Across the entire spectrum, it’s 20% of the market most businesses are completely missing because they don’t even think about it, much less work to cater to it.” – Yasmine Gray

Catch Yasmine as she chats with Adelaine Ng on the Upon Arrival – Events & Incentives podcast about accessible & inclusive tourism.

The podcast can be found on the links below:

–> Listen to the podcast of Yasmine’s interview on Apple

–> Listen to the podcast of Yasmine’s interview on Spotify 

Yasmine Gray shares her views on "Making accessibility a norm" - TTG Asia

July 2023

Yasmine Gray, founder of GetAboutAble, works to advocate and raise awareness for accessibility in tourism. She shares her experiences as a traveller with multiple sclerosis, the untapped economic potential of the disability travel market, and the need for more inclusivity and accessibility in travel and tourism sectors worldwide.

–> Read Yasmine’s interview on TTG Asia 

AITCAP Coordinator shares her thought about accessibility in events - CIM Business Events

June 2023

The Accessible and Inclusive Tourism Conference (AITCAP) held its inaugural in person event on the Gold Coast in May at Sea World Resort’s Conference Centre. CIM spoke with Julia Svaganovic, AITCAP’s Coordinator, about how the conference encouraged its delegates to start thinking of people with disabilities as assets to their business or organisation. 

–> Read the interview on CIM Business Events 

–> Watch our AITCAP Conversation Webinar about Events for EveryBODY 

GetAboutAble is interviewed by TIME - Travel Industry Mentor Experience

May 2022

Yasmine and Manon were interviewed by Timo Lorenzo for an episode of the TIME podcast. An opportunity to chat about GetAboutAble, The Accessible & Inclusive Tourism Conference, Access, Inclusion, Real life experience and so much more…

–> Watch the recorded TIME podcast here

Play Video about ITB Presentation GetAboutAble

GetAboutAble is at ITB Berlin

March 2022

GetAboutAble was honoured to have the opportunity to speak at the 2022 ITB Berlin Convention on 9 March as part of the Social Entrepreneurship Competition in Tourism. Our Founder and Director Yasmine Gray gave a winners presentation alongside Grizelda LaCock from Khwela Womxn who won the Growth Track.

–> Watch our recorded presentation of GetAboutAble at ITB Berlin here

GetAboutAble receives a commendation for latest Marketing Campaign

February 2022

GetAboutAble is proud to share that we were recognised with a commendation at the Canberra Region Tourism awards in the Tourism Marketing and Campaigns category for our work with the “Canberra More Than Inclusive, More Than Accessible Campaign! Discover it here.

–> Watch the 2022 Canberra Region Tourism Awards Ceremony here or read this blog post about GetAboutAble winning commendation for our Marketing Campaign to learn more!

GetAboutAble runner-up in the prestigious Social Entrepreneurship Competition In Tourism!

September 2021

Australia’s own GetAboutAble placed 2nd in the growth category of the Social Entrepreneurship Competition in Tourism awarded by a 9-person jury, including experts from the UNWTO, ITB Berlin and TUI Care Foundation. This competition is in its third year, and is the first and only worldwide competition focusing on social innovation and entrepreneurship in tourism and hospitality […]

–> Read more details on this blog post about GetAboutAble at the Social Entrepreneurship Tourism Competition.

Canberra: More than inclusive, more than accessible

September 2021

GetAboutAble promotes Australia’s capital through an amazing campaign. Australia’s capital offers myriad attractions whatever your age, ability or needs.

As the city’s architects Walter Burley Griffin and Marion Mahony Griffin envisaged, Canberra is built for the people, incorporating oodles of open space to balance the corridors of power. Whether you love flowers, forests or wide open spaces, like to take it slowly or up the thrill factor, Canberra has you covered […]

–> Read the full article about Canberra in Travel Without Limits magazine or on this blog post about Canberra: More Than Inclusive, More Than Accessible.

AITCAP is promoted on Travel Daily & Canberra Times

May 2021

The Accessible & Inclusive Tourism Conference in the Asia Pacific has been on the front cover of Travel Daily and in the Canberra Times. Let’s keep the conversation going #AITCAP21 and together we can make accessible and inclusive travel trending as the norm!

–> Travel Daily April 27th issue

–> Canberra Times May 9th issue

"Canberra: More than inclusive, more than accessible" campaign

7 December 2020

Getaboutable is very proud to be among the successful applicants for the Tourism Cooperative Marketing Fund grant. With our many tourism sector partners, GetAboutAble will launch a marketing campaign to showcase Canberra accessible and inclusive tourism options. One of our exciting projects for 2021!

More info is available at 

International Day of People with Disabilities - ABC Radio Canberra

3 December 2020

Founding Director Yasmine Gray was interviewed by Paula Kruger on ABC Radio Canberra to talk about as an innovative business, as well as accessible and inclusive travel & leisure more broadly.

Disabled BBQ - WIN News Canberra

December 2019

Co-Founder Yasmine Gray was interviewed by Win News Canberra as part of the Territory’s very first wheelchair friendly barbie has been unveiled, helping all Canberrans cook up a storm.

Getaboutable & Microsoft discuss accessibility

September 2019

Dr Yasmine Gray, Andrew Vassili and Steven Diep, the co-founders of and the winners of our AI for Accessibility Challenge recently caught up with the Microsoft Australia Managing Director Steven Worrall

Read more


Microsoft AI for Accessibility Challenge Winners

April 2019

Article originally published on 5 April 2019 in Microsoft News Center

Read more

Group photo of the participants to the Microsoft AI Challenge in 2019, including Yasmine Gray GetAboutAble's founder in her wheelchair.

Canberra Times Feature

December 2019

Mill House Social Enterprise Accelerator Showcase

31 July 2018

ImagineMore Strengthening Communities Conference

25-26 August 2016

Photo of Yasmine Gray holding the GetAboutAble 2017 ACT Chief Minister’s Inclusion Award for Innovation in Design, with the ACT Chief Minister Andrew Barr next to her.


The team has been a recipient of a number of awards that recognises getaboutable’s contribution to make a difference in the community by promoting accessibility and inclusive businesses.