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E.g National Relay Service number, or specialist numbers/emails for scooter/wheelchair bookings
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Accessibility information
  •  Accessible booking options
  •  Online booking options
  •  Accessibility aware and friendly staff
  •  Accessible toilet facilities
  •  Gender neutral accessible bathrooms
  •  Adult changing facilities
  •  Service animal welcome
  •  Recognises subsidy scheme discounts
  •  User tutorials in accessibility features
  •  Accessible payment and other interactive facilities
  •  On-demand transport service
  •  Driver accessibility training including wheelchair transfers and tie down
  •  Wheelchair accessible vehicles (WAV) with ramps or lift
Please tell us about any general related accessibility information related to this business or listing e.g Discounted entry, accessible toilets
  •  Automatic or easy open doors
  •  Level flooring throughout
  •  Wide aisles and walkways
  •  Lowered accessible tables
  •  Accessible toilet
  •  Wheelchair hire available
  •  Wheelchair accessible vehicles (WAV) with ramps or lift
  •  Wheelchair or scooter tie-downs
  •  Seat belts for passengers sitting on wheelchair or scooter
  •  Seating for non wheelchair or scooter passengers
  •  Options for wheelchair or scooter passenger to sit amongst other passengers
Please tell us about any mobility information related to this business or listing e.g Ramp access, Automatic Doors, Lifts
  •  Large print or high contrast signage
  •  Textured or coloured ground indicators at stops and vehicle access points
  •  Sufficient lighting
  •  No overhanging or protruding signage or other obstacles
  •  Audible or braille signage
  •  Audio descriptions (eg. of stop names)
  •  Directional Tactile Ground Surface Indicators
  •  App or website is compatible with Voiceover iOS
  •  App or website is compatible with Android Talk back
  •  App or website is compatible with wireless braille display
Please tell us about any vision information related to this business or listing e.g Braille/other tactile signage, Online menus
  •  Hearing loop or infrared assisted listening system
  •  Welcomes calls from TTY devices
  •  Sign language assistance or interpretation services
  •  Visual or vibrating alarm systems
  •  Sufficient lighting (to enable lip reading and facial cues)
  •  Visual descriptions (eg. of stop names)
  •  Non-verbal or text-based communication between user and driver
  •  Sufficient lighting (to enable lip reading and facial cues)
Please tell us about any hearing information related to this business or listing e.g Captioning of speech and A/V, Sign language assistance/ interpretation services
  •  Information available in various types
  •  Flexibility of the 'rules'
  •  Service animal welcome
Please tell us about any Intellectual/Social information related to this business or listing e.g Support services, Individual (one-on-one) counseling, family counseling
  •  Quiet hour
  •  Quiet room or space
  •  Information available in various types
  •  Flexibility of the 'rules'
  •  Social stories about venue are available online
  •  Virtual tour of venue is available
  •  Autism-aware Disability Champion on staff for consultation prior to visit
  •  Staff have received autism awareness training
  •  Sensory pack available
  •  Sensory map available
  •  Venue has fluorescent lighting
  •  No hand dryers in toilet facilities (hand towels provided)
  •  Disabled toilet has hand towels provided
  •  Background noise level is generally moderate
  •  This environment is generally free of strong smells
Additional information about the autism/sensory related accessibility of the business
Information about any other accessibility aspects of the business not captured above
$0 - Free Plan ($0.00 for Unlimited)
$41 Per Month or $410 Per Year - Enhanced Plan ($41.00 / month for 12 months)
$73 Per Month or $730 Per Year - Premium Plan ($73.00 / month for 12 months)
Pick FREE! (Unless you're a business owner and you'd like enhanced or premium benefits) You must select a package.
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