“The National Museum of the American Indian (NMAI) is committed to advancing knowledge and understanding of the Native cultures of the Western Hemisphere‚ past, present, and future‚ through partnership with Native people and others.
The museum works to support the continuance of culture, traditional values, and transitions in contemporary Native life.”
Accessibility Information
"The National Museum of the American Indian‚ New York is accessible to people with disabilities. Groups and those with special needs are asked to use the ground floor entrance to the museum. All exhibitions are wheelchair accessible.
Wheelchairs are available free of charge on the ground floor of the museum, and may be obtained on request from the security staff.
Additional accessibility services can be provided at no cost, with two weeks advance notice."
Smithsonian Accessibility Program
"The Smithsonian's Accessibility Program supports the Smithsonian in making all visitors feel welcome by providing consistent, effortless access to the Institution's programs, collections, and facilities."
Mobility accessibility features:- Wheelchair hire available