Highlights AITCAP 2023 – Online Day | May 11th | Learn & Connect
“The hardest part was really putting that first foot forward and deciding that this was something we wanted to put effort into. Accessible tourism made a lot of sense to us.”
Ewan Cluckie, Founder of Tripseed
AITCAP 2022 – Day 4 | May 26th | Highlights
“My biggest tip that I could give people is: if you don’t know, ask. Try to gain as much knowledge as you can.”
– Matt Levy, Paralympian and Ambassador for RightHear
AITCAP 2022 – Day 3 | May 24th | Highlights
“We need to constantly remind ourselves not to segregate when starting to talk about inclusivity […] people with access needs are really a part of our community and need to be included amongst all of our promotion and marketing, not like a separate sector.”
Coralie Bell, Shoalhaven City Council
AITCAP 2022 – Day 2 | May 19th | Highlights
“My bit of advice … is that you need to get on the bus now! Because the youngsters behind you can see the potential for this. And it’s the right thing to do.”
Paul Bayliss – Hotel Brooklyn Manager
AITCAP 2022 – Day 1 | May 17th | Highlights
“The takeout from everybody today is we’re not aiming for a gold standard. Make the first steps and the next steps will follow”
– Martin Heng
AITCAP 2021 – Day 4 | May 27th | Highlights
The Future of Accessible & Inclusive Tourism Day 4 of AITCAP 2021 wraps up on an optimistic note as we ask how co-design, the triple bottom line and sensory inclusion play an essential role in the future of Accessible &
AITCAP 2021 – Day 3 | May 20th | Highlights
Accessible & Inclusive Destination Marketing Day 3 of AITCAP 2021 and we explored every corner of the Asia-Pacific from Japan to Nepal to deliver comprehensive sessions on Accessible & Inclusive Destination Marketing. 📜 QUOTE OF THE DAY “As a blind
AITCAP 2021 – Day 2 | May 13th | Highlights
Understanding & Attracting the Accessible and Inclusive Tourism Market Day 2 of AITCAP 2021 and we asked the hard questions around living and travelling with a disability to deliver insightful sessions on Understanding and Attracting the Accessible & Inclusive Tourism
AITCAP 2021 – Day 1 | May 6th | Highlights
Best Practice in Accessible & Inclusive Tourism What a day! AITCAP 2021 has kicked off as a jam-packed experience featuring industry-leading insights, valuable connections, accessible chat bots, prizes and we’re just getting started! We’ve gathered some highlights for you! 📜